Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Post 20: Final Products

Final Film
This our final film 'Fleeting', i am pleased with the overall finish to this film, and i feel it sticks to the codes and conventions we have previously researched, as well as this i feel  looks and feels like a real media product. The use of the music i feel is a particular strength  as it creates a strong sense of poignancy. Overall i feel the production of our film went really well and and pleased with how its turned out. 

Postcard Design
Below is my final postcard design, i didn't directly use any of my initial postcard designs, however, this design is most similar to postcard design two, it shows the main character Jonathan however in design 2 he was facing the other way whereas in this design we see him front on. I used this image for my postcard as i feel it doesn't give away to much information the the audience, thus creating a sense of mystery and leaving the audience curious to know more, as well as this it emphasises that Jonathan is the protagonist.  I feel the films tile 'Fleeting' works well against the dark green background. The back of the postcard includes a short synopsis the films title and the details of the director, production designer and camera and lighting production, as well as this it includes space for viewing times as postcards are predominantly used at film festivals.  Overall i am pleased with my final postcard and feel and it sticks to the codes and convention of other media products that i had looked at previously.

Film Review
Below is my film review for 'Fleeting', as said in post 17 i chose to follow in the footsteps on Sight and Sound. I created this review on Photoshop, i initially scanned through an image of a Sight and Sound review and then inserted my own text and images. I am pleased with the overall finish and although it took me a long time to create and get used to the programme of Photoshop i feel my overall review fits the codes and conventions of film reviews i have looked at previously.

Post 19: Post-production Report

After filming we wanted to get on with editing as soon as possible, allowing us to move on with other parts of our project. We began by going to the editing suite to log all of our filming, this was done on a Microsoft word document and involved separating each scene and shot into table format, writing down the times of the shots and where they began and ended. In the last column of the table we then had to write a description of what was happening in the scene and weather it was suitable to use for the final film or not. Matt, Becky and myself all got involved in this phase of the editing, using lesson time and free periods to get it done, and thus we got it done reasonably quickly, allowing us to quickly move on to capturing scenes.

Capturing involved choosing the scenes we wanted from the logging process allowing our film to start piecing together in order. As a group we needed to put the various times of the shots we wanted and then the edit suite would put them in order of timing, meaning that the capturing was not to much of a lengthy process. After logging and capturing we were able to begin editing the whole film, editing the sound, the footage and finally adding in credits and music. Editing was going to be a lengthy process and thus we took it in turns to edit, Becky began editing and then me and Matt worked on it later, however,  when editing we ran into a few problems.

When filming we ran into problems with our sound, it kept cutting out towards the end and also there was loud traffic noise and thus when editing we had to bring the sound levels down making sure the traffic noise wasn't too prominent. As well as this we ran into some issues towards the end of the film, when filming the last section of the film we forgot  the turn the microphone on, thus meaning we had no natural sound so the scene was completely silent, we then had to figure out how we wanted to rectify this problem, we decided that we just needed to record sound from inside a house just so that we could add this in and thus leaving the scene looking as realistic as possible. However after doing all that we decided as a group that we wanted to have music added in at this point of the film to create a greater sense of poignancy. The music chosen for our film is quite mellow, its calm acoustic music and i feel really adds to the emotional and poignant feel of the film. As well as adding in music,  we added the credits and the beginning and end of the film, however the majority of credits were shown at the end.

After getting the majority of the film completed, we had to add the universal counter leader and universal indicator at the beginning of the film in order to make the film look as realistic as possible. After adding all the necessary things to our film and completing the logging, capturing and editing, we were able to watch our film back as a group and see what we had achieved. Overall i am very please with how our project was completed, there were a few set backs, however as a group we were able to work through theses issues and resolve them quickly.