Final Film
This our final film 'Fleeting', i am pleased with the overall finish to this film, and i feel it sticks to the codes and conventions we have previously researched, as well as this i feel looks and feels like a real media product. The use of the music i feel is a particular strength as it creates a strong sense of poignancy. Overall i feel the production of our film went really well and and pleased with how its turned out.
Postcard Design
Below is my final postcard design, i didn't directly use any of my initial postcard designs, however, this design is most similar to postcard design two, it shows the main character Jonathan however in design 2 he was facing the other way whereas in this design we see him front on. I used this image for my postcard as i feel it doesn't give away to much information the the audience, thus creating a sense of mystery and leaving the audience curious to know more, as well as this it emphasises that Jonathan is the protagonist. I feel the films tile 'Fleeting' works well against the dark green background. The back of the postcard includes a short synopsis the films title and the details of the director, production designer and camera and lighting production, as well as this it includes space for viewing times as postcards are predominantly used at film festivals. Overall i am pleased with my final postcard and feel and it sticks to the codes and convention of other media products that i had looked at previously.
Film Review
Below is my film review for 'Fleeting', as said in post 17 i chose to follow in the footsteps on Sight and Sound. I created this review on Photoshop, i initially scanned through an image of a Sight and Sound review and then inserted my own text and images. I am pleased with the overall finish and although it took me a long time to create and get used to the programme of Photoshop i feel my overall review fits the codes and conventions of film reviews i have looked at previously.